Rengeteg helyi lakó háza égett le a múlt hétvége óta tomboló tűzben Kaliforniában, amely miatt már több mint 70-en meghaltak és több mint ezer embernek veszett nyoma. A károsultak között van jó néhány híresség is, például Gerard Butler vagy Miley Cyrus és Liam Hemsworth.

Camille Grammer, a The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills című reality-ből ismert tévés otthona sem úszta meg a katasztrófát.
Pár napja még lángokban álló házáról osztott meg képet Instagram-oldalán, most viszont már azt is megmutatta, mi maradt belőle - jóformán semmi.
Sadly my house couldn't be saved. The courageous firefighters were able to save my cars and personal items recovered from my home. I thanked the fire chief and his team of firemen for all of their hard work. He took the time to explain what happened and I'm grateful for all of their hard work trying to save my home. Sad we lost our home but grateful that my family is safe. Luckily we quickly evacuated our house yesterday after a patrol car drove up the street announcing mandatory evacuations. I'm grateful for my lovely neighbors and friends who kept me informed and for their help this evening. ? Thank you all for caring ? #woolseyfire #malibu. Special thanks to Fire Chief Rash and his brave team of firefighters. ?
63.7k Likes, 10k Comments - Camille Grammer Meyer (@therealcamille) on Instagram: "Sadly my house couldn't be saved. The courageous firefighters were able to save my cars and..."
Grammer a romos fotó mellett posztolt már olyan képet is, amin még látható, milyen volt korábban az otthona, ahol családjával élt.
This is what's left of my home. We can replace/ rebuild our home but we can't replace people we have lost. I lost my assist of 20 plus years Scott two days before the fires. I'm still grieving and will continues to do so. He was family to me. So, to those out there that are yelling at officials and firemen why their houses weren't saved let's put things in perspective here. You are alive. You are safe. Let's thank the firefighters for saving as many lives during this terrible disaster. We are here to help others and gather to rebuild what has been lost. Here are some pics of what is left of my house and memories from the past. I will keep these memories and hold them in my heart forever. Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas, Halloween, and charity events I hosted at my house. My family home will remain in my heart as I start to rebuild anew wherever that will be. My heart is with my family and friends. #malibustrong #woolseyfire I ❤️ Malibu!! My home always!!
30.1k Likes, 2,216 Comments - Camille Grammer Meyer (@therealcamille) on Instagram: "This is what's left of my home. We can replace/ rebuild our home but we can't replace people we..."