A karácsonyi dekoráció hagyományos színei a piros és a zöld, a legtöbb karácsonyfa általában ebben a két színben pompázik, még úgy is, hogy az utóbbi években nagyon divatba jött a kék és az ezüst is.

Vannak, akik minden évben ugyanúgy, ugyanolyan stílusban díszítik a fájukat, mások viszont minden évben próbálnak újítani valamit, kis változatosságot csempészve az ünnepbe. Elsősorban nekik segít az a lista, amit a Buzzfeed állított össze a legkreatívabb megoldásokból.
A teljesség igénye nélkül van itt:
Fagylalt mánia
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Wishing you a blessed & peaceful Christmas ????❤ cukibags#CukiBags #pastel #pastelchristmastree #sweetschristmas#sweetdecorations #sweetsornaments #sweetornaments#treeornaments #whitechristmas #whitechristmastree#pastelchristmas #icecreamtree #icecream #icecreams#cupacke #cupcakes #lollypop #lollypops #happy #instatree #christmasdecorations #christmasdecor #pastelrainbow#colorful #happychristmas #merrychristmasA post shared by Cuki Bags (@cukibags) on
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I'm dreaming of a cotton candy Christmas ????✨???? This is by far my favorite tree ever for obvious reasons! It's filled with sweets, whimsical details like unicorns balloon animals plus it's completely Piper proof! ???????? I'm sharing all the details about this fun tree on our porch with @treetopia - link in bio! Tap my photo to see the other talented ladies sharing their trees this week!! #ad #treetopiadesigncouncil2018 #cakeandconfettihomeA post shared by Meredith | Cake & Confetti (@cakeandconfetti) on
Virágos kert
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Christmas has arrived at Essa! So so pretty ???? #christmastree #christmasdecorations #floralchristmastree #somanyflowers #pinkchristmastree #flowerseverwhere #essahair #doncastersalon #letsgetfestiveA post shared by Essa Hair (@essa.hair) on
hi i made this and i'm very proud and i just want everyone to see this that's all carry on your holly jolly way pic.twitter.com/dYkjbjRzWj
- sunflower (@liyahbobeah) November 27, 2018
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AND IT'S UP ????????this year as you may have seen from my stories I've gone for warmer gold and bronze tones and I'm so so happy with the outcome! Swipe for closer details! I absolutely love the ribbon throughout and tree topper with the bow I've added, with the skirt for just £12 from home sense ????! Most information on where things are from are in my highlights, Let me know what you think? :) . #christmastree #christmasdecor #christmastreedecor #christmastreedecorating #christmastime #christmasinspo #christmastreeinspo #goldchristmastree #interiordesign #interiorandhome #christmaswreath #christmastree???? #contempory #classyhomes #classydecor #interior4homes #interioresA post shared by Emily-Louise (@home_on_ascotway) on
És olyan, amitől kiég a disneyméter
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Nos encanta formar parte de ideas tan chulas como estas, realizando las manos de Mickey para que estuvieran en este árbol hermoso. También la carita de los personajes para la corona de navidad. Amamos el resultado final! #christmastree #mickeymouse #mickey90 #funnycreations #christmasspirit #lovethistimeoftheyear #funnydetails #disneychristmastree #mickeyshands #handmadewithloveA post shared by Cut&CreateCid®️ (@cutandcreatecid) on
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