Családja, barátai és több száz rajongója búcsúztatta el az áprilisban elhunyt Avicii-t Stockholmban pénteken este.

A svéd főváros utcái tele voltak a híres lemezlovast gyászoló emberekkel, minél többen szerettek volna bejutni a templomba, ahol a búcsúztatást tartották. Többek közt Tim Bergling édesapja, Klas Bergling is beszédet mondott a megjelent tömeg előtt - írja a TMZ.
On Friday evening, a memorial concert was held in honor of Tim, Klas (Tim's father) took part in it. ◢◤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Klas Bergling: "We are grateful for all the love and support we received from the people around us. It gave us hope at this difficult time. Tim, despite his youth, has made a strong impression on his music.It is said that he has changed EDM music, or so called electric dance music, singers and producers he worked with was impressed by his way of writing music and the courage to constantly go beyond the usual norms.We are very proud of it and it gives us comfort ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We also received letters from parents and brothers and sisters who suffered from the same tragic event as we. They describe how they go on in life, and have learned to live with sadness and emptiness. There is a great need for help and support for people in traumatic life situations. Young people do not need to leave problems for themselves. Tim's music helped a lot, we received a lot of help, and we in the family worked in different ways to continue helping others." (translation is not precise) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #avicii #ripavicii #aviciifamily #aviciiforever #stockholm
21 Likes, 2 Comments - Memorial Page ◢◤ (@aviciimemes) on Instagram: "On Friday evening, a memorial concert was held in honor of Tim, Klas (Tim's father) took part in..."
A templomot Avicii képeivel díszítették fel, a ceremónia során pedig az ő számait játszották. A Wake Me Up című slágerét a templom kórusa adta elő, nem is akárhogyan:
Absolutely stunning tribute to #avicii at his memorial. What a perfect version of this epic song. #rip #musicliveson #avicii #vegas
4 Likes, 0 Comments - Lisa Pellegrino M.S. Ed. (@vegaspsychicdiva) on Instagram: "Absolutely stunning tribute to #avicii at his memorial. What a perfect version of this epic song...."
Memorial concert for Tim Bergling "Avicii" in his own church this evening. His friends were singing and his father was speaking. One thousand people came to church on a Friday evening to show our respect to Tim and his family. #timbergling #avicii #stockholm #wemissyou #hedvigeleonorakyrka #friday
244 Likes, 24 Comments - Sara S (@swediepirut) on Instagram: "Memorial concert for Tim Bergling "Avicii" in his own church this evening. His friends were singing..."
Avicii, születési nevén Tim Bergling áprilisban Oman fővárosában, Maszkatban halt meg, miután öngyilkos lett egy szállodában. A stockholmi Skogskyrkogårdenben, az UNESCO egyik világörökségi helyszínén temették el, a szertartáson csak a szűk család, és barátok vettek részt.