Joshua Coombes brit fodrász ugyanazt csinálja, mint kollégái az egész világon: hajat és szakállat vág. De meg kell említenünk, hogy Joshua-nak szokatlan vendégei vannak - hajléktalan emberek, akik nem fizetnek a hajvágásért. Joshua azt mondja, hogy második esélyt akar adni a hátrányos helyzetű embereknek, mivel véleménye szerint a megjelenés megváltozása belső változásokat okozhat.

Azt gondoljuk, hogy ezek a legcsodálatosabb átalakulások, amiket Joshua Coombes végez a világ minden táján, és szeretnénk, ha mindenki látná őket.

22. Benjamin, Los Angeles

21. Tod, Santa Monica

20. Cedric, Párizs

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This is Cedric, 42 years old. I met Cedric in Paris a few days ago on Boulevard Monmarte. He has been homeless for three years now. At first, I noticed the sign he'd made, which read - 'Vote for me in 2022.' When I said hello, I was given a big greeting in return, we started talking. I asked him where he had learnt - "I used to live in London for some years with my friends. I remember the carnivals so well, I loved my time there." - It turns out Cedric and I have lived on the same street in Brixton, what are the chances! I do feel we connected almost immediately, so it was really nice to hear Cedric open up some more about his life recently - " I was holding down a job at a library near here. It didn't pay all that much but I enjoyed my work. One day we found out the library was to be down sized considerably, so many of us lost our jobs. The drinking increased and so did rent on my apartment at the time. I guess I stopped caring. It wasn't long before I became homeless." Next to Cedric was his pal Dada. I could tell these guys were close and that they really helped each other out on the street - "I saw Dada looking at me one day. After staring at me for a moment, he broke into a big smile, we've been friends ever since. It's important to have that when you're homeless. I used to have an amazing friend that looked out for me, I suppose she was my step mother almost…" At this point, tears appeared in Cedric's eyes, but he continued - "She owned a music venue in the 9th Arrondissement, it was the best place for music. Whenever I visited her she would feed me, talk to me and give me hope. I never had to paid. Always food and water, she would never give me alcohol. One week, I visited and she was no longer there. I found out she had died. It really broke me. I still think about her everyday." When it came to showing Cedric he mirror at the end, his reaction said it all.

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19. Joshua, Kalifornia

18. Zack, London

17. David, London

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This is David, 54 years old. We met recently near London Bridge. It was rush hour and David was sat on the ground, not far away from the train station. As I walked by, he looked up and gave me smile and nodded. I sat down next to him and we began talking - "See over there." David said, pointing down the street - "That's Guys Hospital, I was born in there. I've always been a Londoner. I grew up here and worked in and around this city for my entire life. This is one chapter that I couldn't have foreseen… I had my own business. We cleaned up the big buildings and sprayed them down like new before they were refurbished. There were some big contracts for a while. I had a loving family also. My children have all grown up have their own lives now… my wife and I drifted apart recently. It all changed after that day, a couple years back. The day of the accident. It hasn't been the same since…I was driving one night. We'd been visiting family outside of London and my daughter and her children were in the car also. We had a collision on a fast road. It all happened so fast. I won't go into all of it… it hurts." I could feel the pain in David begin to bubble to the surface. But also there was an honesty and a clarity in the way he was speaking - "l've confronted some feelings while I've been out here. I'm not happy I'm on streets. There's no way I could've seen myself sitting out here. No way. But you know I'm what… It sounds stupid, but maybe I'm where I'm supposed to be right now. It's shown me a different part of life. It's opened up a different part inside of me." When I finished cutting David's hair, he insisted on walking me to my train platform. We hugged and David smiled and said - "You know what Josh, I think we brought back the art of conversation just then." #DoSomethingForNothing

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16. Aman, London

15. Phil, London

14. Callum, Manchester

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I met Callum in Manchester recently. I'd just arrived in town with @gotvitaminc and we'd only been walking for a few minutes when we saw someone bundled up in their sleeping bag. I often talk about isolation. For a guy like Callum, it's as real as it gets. . "I've been sleeping on the streets for a long time now…It's hard to keep track. I always keep myself to myself. I find it difficult to trust anyone really…I've felt that way since I was I kid. I didn't have any family as such. I was raised in care, so I was moved around a lot." . Whilst I was cutting his hair, Callum pulled out a joint of spice (K2 in USA) I've ran into this countless times in the past. Once marketed as a Synthetic Marijuana, Spice is cheap, easily accessible, potent and highly addictive. A few years ago, it got a hold on some people I got close with, who slept on the streets in London. Two of those people aren't with us anymore. I asked Callum how it makes him feel. . "It just numbs you, you know..? I don't know how else to describe it…It makes you feel numb to everything. It gets you to sleep. It knocks you out. It makes time fly and sometimes you need that out here." . Through all Callum has been through, he had this smile that makes you want to smile with him. It only appeared from time to time, but when it did, I saw another side of him. A warmth that I wouldn't have had the chance to see whilst walking past him on the street. #DoSomethingForNothing

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13. Spider, Miami

12. Michael, London