Mark Zuckerberg elment Hawaii-ra szörfözni, arcát pedig annyira bekente naptejjel, mintha pantomimozni akart volna.

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No one has ever seen Mark Zuckerberg and the ghost from Spirited Away in the same room, just saying
- Brent Peabody (@brent_peabody) July 19, 2020
I was thinking Zuckerberg looks a bit like famous pantomimist Marcel Marcel, but it ends there…b/c latter was a much better "communicator" and certainly more of a humanist & scocially-responsible philanthropist‼️
- Michael A. Freeman (@MFreeman_ATASED) July 20, 2020
És hát:
Mark Zuckerberg before a fun day on the beach
- Flynn Maxwell (@Flynnosaur) July 19, 2020
Na meg:
Mark Zuckerberg ???? Mrs. Doubtfire
- Coronapocalypse N????W (@coronapocaIypse) July 20, 2020
Végül pedig:
Mark Zuckerberg with too much sunscreen on looks like he's wearing one of those shitty Michael Myers masks you find at Party City
- Dr. Wolfula ???? (@DoctorWolfula) July 19, 2020
Kiemelt kép: Drew Angerer/Getty Images