Őszintén írt terhességéről és a szülés utáni helyzetéről is egy édesanya az Instagramon. Desiree Fortin-nak hármas ikrei vannak, Charlize, Sawyer és Jax.

Desiree nem szégyenli, hogy a testét alaposan megviselte a terhesség és a szülés. Sőt a képein még a hasát is megmutatta. Mindezzel üzenni szeretne nőtársainak, akiket zavarnak a terhességi csíkok, vagy, hogy a szülés után másképp néznek ki. Az édesanya szerint mindezek arra emlékeztetik, hogy milyen küzdelmeken ment át, hiszen ő maga is nehéz helyzeteket élt meg.
Mikor gyereket szeretett volna, policisztás petefészek-szindrómát diagnosztizáltak nála. Emiatt csak mesterséges megtermékenyítéssel eshetett teherbe. Az ikerszülés után pedig a teste is teljesen átalakult:
„Tele vagyok ráncokkal, rengeteg a bőr, aminek redői folyton csúszkálnak egymáson, és nem sokat tehetek ellene. De változtattam a nézőpontomon, és megláttam ebben a szépséget” – mondta. Azt üzente, hogy a szülés után meg kell tanulni, hogy a ráncok és változások ellenére is szeressük magunkat.
Feeling a bit nostalgic over here. 3 years ago I was less than a week away from meeting my triplets. I was on bed rest for 7 weeks and it was so hard. Although I did get to catch up on several seasons of Grey's Anatomy ? My body lost a lot of muscle but It really is amazing to see the transformation in my body and how faithful God was in seeing me to our goal date: 34 weeks, 1 day. Truly such a miracle. I only wish I took more pictures during my pregnancy to see my progress ??♀️Do you ever feel the same way sometimes? If I ever get pregnant again, I'm warning you now: pregnant picture overload ?? * * * #pregnantandperfect #inspirepregnancy #motherhood #babies #triplets #pregnant #thebump #triplets #tripletmom #ivf #miracles #miraclepregnancy #momlife #birthwithoutfear #miracle #tripletpregnancy #multiples #bump #baby #newborn #birth #pregnancy #pregnant #firpregnancy #ivf #postpartum #transformations #fittransformation #fitness
2,407 Likes, 95 Comments - Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Instagram: "Feeling a bit nostalgic over here. 3 years ago I was less than a week away from meeting my..."
This week was #nationalbreastfeedingweek ? Over the last week I've celebrated so many other mamas for their choice to breastfeed. I think it is wonderful to see so many mothers celebrating their breastfeeding journey because I know, firsthand, it is not easy. However, at the same time, I have struggled to even celebrate myself. This week I was reminded that I made the choice to quit breastfeeding. I hated it, every second of it. Nursing turned into pumping, exclusively, all day long. I felt guilty because I never once experienced the "bond" I so often heard of in the short time I nursed my triplets. I remember how proud I was the first time I tandem fed my babies, but it was just something I couldn't keep up with. Reflecting this week about my own breastfeeding experience made me sad for mamas out there who wanted to breastfeed, but couldn't. Or the mama's who loved breastfeeding, but there milk stopped. And then I thought about the mama's like myself who chose formula, not because they had to, but they wanted too, they needed too. The more I thought about this the more frustrated I began to feel. ? I think breastfeeding is great. And if you are breastfeeding, good for you. I also think formula feeding is great! If you're formula feeding, keep doing your thing mama because you're awesome! Breastfed vs. formula fed seems to be this constant struggle in our society. Why can't we celebrate both types of mothers? So today, rather than saying Happy Breastfeeding Week, I'm going to say to all you Mamas, Happy Feeding your Baby Week! Either way your baby is fed and bravo to you! So if you are breastfeeding, congrats! You're a great mom. If you formula feeding, congrats, you're a great mom too!!! Happy Feeding Your Baby Week! You're all really great moms!!! #happyfeedingyourbabyweek * * #breastfeeding #formulafeeding #pregnant #pregnantandperfect #pregnancy #triplets #tripletmom #tandemfeeding #breastfeedwithoutfear #formulafeedwithoutfear #bumpdated #postpartum #takebackpostpartum #mother #motherhood #ig_motherhood #motherly #momlife #boobs #milkmachine #breastpump #pumpingmom #liquidgold
2,688 Likes, 224 Comments - Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Instagram: "This week was #nationalbreastfeedingweek ? Over the last week I've celebrated so many other mamas..."
Dear Self, Sometimes you need a reminder of all the amazing things you are! It's hard to believe you carried three babies at one time, but you did. This truly proved how remarkable and strong your body is. I know it wasn't easy and I know sometimes it is hard to see how beautiful you really are. Your hope wounds, the stretch marks, extra skin and all, are a representation of strength, beauty, and love!! They are your story!! Self, you are valued! You make a difference. I know your body has changed dramatically since birthing your babies and it is the most beautiful thing I have seen in you, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. I know your journey as a Mom has brought on some struggles, but your confidence radiates even though you don't have a clue what you're doing. You walk your journey empowered and inspire others. I know you can't always see the impact you are making, but you're vulnerability is touching hearts. Continue to walk in strength and have grace for those hard days. Self, don't be so hard on yourself. You're an amazing Mom. There is power in loving you for you. Don't you forget it! Sincerely, Yourself. (SWIPE??????) * * * * Mom strong tee: @lennylemons Necklace: @madewithlovebyangie #artgaleri #thebump #strongmom #postpartumbody #postpartum #photos_dailydose #artselect #inspirepregnancy #pregnantandperfect #twins #postpartumfitness #active #fitmoms #arthelp #likeforlike #followforfollow #bodypositive #selflove #selflovegeneration #birthwithoutfear #body #photos_dailydose #empoweringwomen #empoweredbirthproject #womenirl #rslove #inspire #teamself
2,485 Likes, 62 Comments - Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Instagram: "Dear Self, Sometimes you need a reminder of all the amazing things you are! It's hard to believe..."
"For every women unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is one wishing she had them." I love this quote. I once was her, the "one," waiting, wishing, hoping to be a Mother. Finding out I was finally going to be a Mom was one most incredible feelings. It didn't matter whether I was going to give birth naturally or have a cesarean (however you do it, you're amazing). And it didn't matter that my body was going to change drastically. I was finally going to be a Mom, a Mom to triplets! And although I never imagined my body would look the way it does now, it represents so much more. There is a lot of extra skin, stretch marks, sag and wrinkles. And while my new Mom body may be hard to love sometimes, it is a new me that represents the power of the female body and the miracle of carrying three babies. As I have shared before, I call my postpartum marks my "Hope wounds" and they have taught me a greater meaning of self-love and appreciation for my body. I think that it is important to change our Mom body perspectives. There is empowerment for yourself in loving yourself. Our postpartum marks are stories of hope, stories of love, and sometimes stories of loss. There is so much beauty in our Mom bodies because above all they represent life, our children, and the undeniable love we have for them. For the "one"somewhere wishing, hoping, praying for her miracle, this is for you. For the one who delivered and lost your baby, I know these are all you physically have left of your angel. You are strong mama. And to all the Mama's struggling to love themselves: you're beautiful, strong, and may you be empowered to love yourself a little more today!! Choose to change your perspective because your beautiful! Bra/Undies: @knix >>> the most incredible bra and underwear I own!!! P.S EXCITING NEWS Next week I leave for an amazing Body + Love Workshop by @sarahsapora I'm so excited to be surrounded and inspired by an amazing group of people all supporting each other! I will be share more details in my stories ?
2,611 Likes, 157 Comments - Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Instagram: ""For every women unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is one wishing she had them." I love this..."
Somehow my babies are 3 TOMORROW. There are days (as difficult as my postpartum journey was) that I wish I could go back in time and relish in these newborn moments all over again!! Have you ever felt that way? Sometimes I even feel like my postpartum depression and anxiety struggles stole my time with my babies. And that is really hard for me. I have been so emotional leading up to their birthday and preschool in a few weeks. And while I love watching my babies grow and experience new adventures, it is so hard at the same time. But This is Motherhood. Motherhood is watching our little ones to grow into whoever God called them to be one day at a time. ❤️
5,069 Likes, 176 Comments - Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Instagram: "Somehow my babies are 3 TOMORROW. There are days (as difficult as my postpartum journey was) that I..."
They are #oneinaminion ❤️ Jax though ??#thenandnowfortintrio * * * * #postpartum #ppd #mommyofmultiples #triplets #thenandnow #pregnantandperfect # pregnant #newborns #6weeks #photos #baby #justbaby #growingup #maternity #newbornbaby #toddlers #toddler #thehappynow #lovewhatmatters #babies #perfectbabies #cutebabies #multiples #twinsandmultiples #thebump #bumpnbub #infertility #babybump
1,780 Likes, 41 Comments - Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Instagram: "They are #oneinaminion ❤️ Jax though ??#thenandnowfortintrio * * * * #postpartum #ppd..."
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