Pár napja mindenki észrevehette, hogy a közösségi médiumok hírfolyamát elárasztották azok a képpárok, melyek az adott személyt most, illetve 10 évvel korábban ábrázolják. A #10YearChallenge vicces jelenség: mindenki elgondolkodhat rajta, mit jelent 10 év az ember életében - és másokéban. Mert azért vannak döbbenetes fotók, ilyeneket gyűjtött össze a Bored Panda.

Miracle, aki tíz éve hat hónapra, 0,7 kilogrammal született
Austine A Amani on Twitter
Really touching 10 years ago, Miracle was born premature at 6 months, she weighed 0.7kg, was incubated for 3 months. It's safe to say Miracle won this #10yearchallenge
Juan Betancourt modell lett, és az anyukája már 10 éve megjósolta
It's funny, even when I was like in the photo on the left my mother used to tell me that I could have a chance as model... #truelove #10yearchallenge
45k Likes, 1,783 Comments - Juan Betancourt (@juanbetancourtt) on Instagram: "It's funny, even when I was like in the photo on the left my mother used to tell me that I could..."
Ő nemet váltott.
Gigi on Twitter
2009 vs. 2019 Napunta lahat ng taba sa dibdib q char
Ő már nem fogszabályozós.
GOD?OF?THIGHS on Twitter
Amazing what happens after #10Years ? #10yearscallenge #10yearChalenge #10yearchallange #10YearChallenges #10YearsofJustinBieber #10YearsOfBieber #10k_محب #10yrchallenge #2008v2018 #2009to2019 #2009vs2019challenge #ifb #IFBDrive #IFBhomies #DanielDrive
Ő pedig már nem fiú.
Here's my 2009 -2019 Transformation. When I look at the photograph on the left it's easy to remember the darker times I tried to bury in my mind but when I look at this picture here today I feel love, so much love for this child doing the best that he could given the circumstances that he was under. As for the woman on the right I will continue to fight my mind everyday to become the happiest & healthiest woman I can be, full of love, forgiveness and kindness not only towards others but towards myself. ???? #transisbeautiful #girlslikeus #makeup #transgender #transformation #transition #mtf #lgbt #lgbtqia #queer #woman #love #selfcare #forgiveness #cosmetics #kindness #glowup #workinprogress
884 Likes, 39 Comments - ????Patti Long-Legs???? (@patti_longlegs) on Instagram: "Here's my 2009 -2019 Transformation. When I look at the photograph on the left it's easy to..."
És ő... nos, ő szebb.
Sheila on Twitter
can u believe ? #10YearChallenge
Ő pedig már nem baba.
First Selfie vs Now Selfie #10yearchallenge Double Tap my crooked smile ? #10yearschallenge
64.9k Likes, 1,406 Comments - Piper Rockelle (@piperrockelle) on Instagram: "First Selfie vs Now Selfie #10yearchallenge Double Tap my crooked smile ? #10yearschallenge"
Reese Witherspoon mondjuk nem öregedett semmit.
Reese Witherspoon on Twitter
Time sure does fly when you are having fun!! #10YearChallenge
Ő pedig nem hiába imádkozott, hogy legyen arcszőrzete.
ZλƦŶλß MλĿIҚ on Twitter
God said he'd help me grow a beard if i stopped rockin white tees ? #10YearChallenge
Ellen szerint a kéztartása változott (az sem)
#10yearchallenge. I never realized how differently I hold my hand now.
2.4m Likes, 17.8k Comments - Ellen (@theellenshow) on Instagram: "#10yearchallenge. I never realized how differently I hold my hand now."
Ez a srác 16 évesen még kokain-, gyógyszer- és alkoholfüggő volt.
2009: 16, already addicted to cocaine, pills, and alcohol, extremely depressed, suicidal thoughts, uncomfortable with who i am. * 2019: 26, sober for nearly six years, genuinely happy and comfortable in my own skin, smiling and laughing, grateful, getting to do what i love every day.
264.5k Likes, 2,509 Comments - tommy dorfman (@tommy.dorfman) on Instagram: "2009: 16, already addicted to cocaine, pills, and alcohol, extremely depressed, suicidal thoughts,..."
Van, ami nem változik.
Gordon Ramsay on Twitter
Some things never change on @HellsKitchenFOX.....#10yearchallenge
Jessica Bielnek még ma is tetszik, hogy csíkosan barnult és szőke volt 10 éve
What a difference ten years can make! Although I do still have a lot of ❤️ for my tan lines, hoops and blonde days... #10YearChallenge
663k Likes, 5,501 Comments - Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel) on Instagram: "What a difference ten years can make! Although I do still have a lot of ❤️ for my tan lines, hoops..."
JLo 10 éve várta az ikreit
#10yearchallenge #challengeaccepted ♥️
3.4m Likes, 32.4k Comments - Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Instagram: "#10yearchallenge #challengeaccepted ♥️"
Anne Hathawaynek is csak a haja lett hosszabb.
Wow. Check out 2009 me trying so hard not to do anything wrong. Check out 2019 me doing what feels right. Wicked sweet ? #10YearChallenge
883.9k Likes, 5,003 Comments - Anne Hathaway (@annehathaway) on Instagram: "Wow. Check out 2009 me trying so hard not to do anything wrong. Check out 2019 me doing what feels..."
Akárcsak Brooke Shieldsnek.
I guess I'll join in on the fun... #10yearchallenge
50.4k Likes, 857 Comments - Brooke Shields (@brookeshields) on Instagram: "I guess I'll join in on the fun... #10yearchallenge"
Kylie Jenner kis cuki volt
Omg Kylie is so cute? #10yearchallenge #kimye #kimkardashian #kanyewest #northwest #chicagowest #saintwest #reigndisick #masondisick #penelopedisick #love #kourtneykardashian #scottdisick #kyliejenner #kendalljenner #stormiwebster #truethompson #khloekardashian #robkardashian #krisjenner #caitlynjenner #kyliecosmetics #kuwtk #kkwbeauty #trylie #travisscott #dreamkardashian
32 Likes, 3 Comments - Kardashians & Jenners❤ (@dashjennerthrowback) on Instagram: "Omg Kylie is so cute? #10yearchallenge #kimye #kimkardashian #kanyewest #northwest #chicagowest..."
Mark Ruffalóék már 20 éve házasok
✌️ #10YearsChallenge #20yearsmarriage
548.3k Likes, 2,465 Comments - Mark Ruffalo (@markruffalo) on Instagram: "✌️ #10YearsChallenge #20yearsmarriage"
Brie Larson 10 éve, sárga körömcipőben
✌️ #10YearsChallenge #20yearsmarriage
548.3k Likes, 2,465 Comments - Mark Ruffalo (@markruffalo) on Instagram: "✌️ #10YearsChallenge #20yearsmarriage"