Nem kell ahhoz Harry Potternek születni, hogy egy jót varázsoljunk, s különösen akkor jó móka, ha négylábú barátunkat vicceljük meg - gondolják annak az átverésnek a hívei, akik egy takaró mögé bújnak, majd azt leengedve gyorsan az ajtó mögé ugranak. A gyanútlan néző, jelen esetben a kutya így azt hiszi, eltűnt a gazdi.

sound on hahaha ????#whatthefluffchallenge . . . . . . . . repost @elf_the_pirate
22.5k Likes, 814 Comments - ?? ?? ( on Instagram: "sound on hahaha ????#whatthefluffchallenge . . . . . . . . repost @elf_the_pirate"
#WhatTheFluffChallenge @aquest4happiness @aussiesdoingthings
59.8k Likes, 2,106 Comments - Aussies Doing Things (@aussiesdoingthings) on Instagram: "#WhatTheFluffChallenge @aquest4happiness @aussiesdoingthings"
What the fluff?!? 〰️ Try this with your pet. Post it, tag me and add #WhatTheFluffChallenge / #WhatTheFluff I'll be sharing my favourite ones
99.9k Likes, 5,507 Comments - ★ J A X ★ (@siberianhusky_jax) on Instagram: "What the fluff?!? 〰️ Try this with your pet. Post it, tag me and add #WhatTheFluffChallenge /..."
Daddy got me good? #whatthefluff #whatthefluffchallenge #magic #shook #standardpoodle #spoo #dogsofinstagram
44.2k Likes, 3,233 Comments - Ruby Red Parsons?? (@rubythestandard) on Instagram: "Daddy got me good? #whatthefluff #whatthefluffchallenge #magic #shook #standardpoodle #spoo..."
I'M CONFUSED ??? Come to find out..i dont like ??? Wrinkly Arf ?? @sir_arfington #wrinklybulldogs #magic #popswhereyougo #scared #comeback #vanish #abracadabra #holmes #jerseyshore #nj #bulldogsofinstagram #englishbulldog #dogsofinstagram #arf #goteem#whatthefluffchallenge
8,442 Likes, 286 Comments - Wrinkly Bulldogs ??? (@wrinklybulldogs) on Instagram: "I'M CONFUSED ??? Come to find out..i dont like ??? Wrinkly Arf ?? @sir_arfington #wrinklybulldogs..."
Tyler Christlieb on Twitter
WhatTheFluffChallenge didn't quite go as expected...