Miközben az egész világ figyeli, hogy Ausztráliában erdőtüzek pusztítanak, a világ különböző részeiről sok ember megható emlékművet készít azoknak az állatoknak, akik még csak beszélni sem tudnak a fájdalmaikról.

Szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet az Ausztráliában jelenleg zajló eseményekre, és 25 szívszorító művet gyűjtöttünk össze, hogy megmutassuk.
View this post on InstagramWe are in this together. ???????????????? . This beautiful planet is the place we all call home, and everything we do impacts it directly. My heart breaks at all these disasters, but it also makes me more determined to do my part. ???????? Less meat, choose wisely, buy less and support those who care about our planet's future. We can do this! . I will run a fundraising campaign for the Australian wildfires in the next few days, stay tuned ???????? . . . #australia #australiafires #climateemergency #bonniepangart #illustrationA post shared by Bonnie Pang (@bonniepangart) on
24. imádkozzatok Ausztráliáért
View this post on Instagram睇到一張又一張嘅相好心痛… God bless Australia????A post shared by Kong Chi Lo (@cusonlo) on
23. Anya!
View this post on InstagramAs many of you guys may have already heard, Australia is burning. The bushfires have ravaged countless homes, destroyed millions of acres of land, and taken the lives of millions of animals across our country. It's heartbreaking to watch all the footage of what's going on, and right now our country needs all the help it can get. I want to contribute my part and donate to the efforts, so for the next week I'd like to donate 100% of any profits from my store (link is on my profile) to the @redcrossau and @wildlifevictoria. There's not much on my store unfortunately, but it's the least I can do to help. There are also numerous other organisations that you can donate directly to. Any amount of support helps those fighting for their lives, and for their homes. Despite all the loss, it's incredible to see that people from all over the world are banding together to aid the efforts. #australiaisburning #bushfire #redcross #cfa #wildlifeA post shared by the art of hieu (@kelogsloops) on
View this post on InstagramOur hearts are broken. I just can't comprehend what has happened to our beautiful country over the last few months especially the past week. 480 MILLION animals have been killed. I have no words. ???? For those wanting to donate - here are some amazing organisations that are helping pick up the pieces. @redcrossau @foodbankaus @kiwildlifepark @nswrfs @wireswildliferescue @givit_aus • @cfavic @currumbinwildlifehospital @sa_countryfireservice @qldfire @tasmaniafireservice @ruralaid @animalsaustralia @wildlifevictoria Sending love to all that have been affected by this tragedy ???? . . . #bushfires #australiaA post shared by LALEH MOHMEDI | FOOD ARTIST (@jacobs_food_diaries) on
View this post on Instagram#saveaustralia The numbers are nothing. Statistics are nothing. The next news about fires is nothing if we ourselves do not want to help our planet Earth. But we hear, watch and read news about 500 million dead animals due to the global global fire in Australia. This is worse than war. We are slowing down and waiting for the receipt of money to extinguish the fire. When animals and forests die at this time. It is very sad that we are fixated on finances. Let's save our "Home", let's think about the future right now! We are people, we are intelligent creatures, and animals cannot protect themselves. I, on behalf of all the inhabitants of planet Earth, urge all the authorities of the countries of the world to create a unified, independent organization of emergency situations to help extinguish large fires and prevent them. I hope our call will be heard by all those who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet Earth???? . . . #trueheroes #saveplanetearth #saveanimalsA post shared by Nikolay Mochkin (@ellejart) on
View this post on InstagramPray for these innocent ones who can't even tell their pain. #prayforaustraliaA post shared by Moin Nazim (@moinazim_graphics) on
View this post on Instagram#saveaustralia I really wanted to show you the salvation of the Child and Mother, that everything went well, that nature heard us, and the long-awaited rain began. But… for give me. It's very sad. I want you and I to understand that we are not alone on this planet. Man should not assert himself in his superiority from other creatures of nature. Don't say that the fires are due to the dry season. This's all a lie! These fires are a reflection of our relationship to nature itself: ruthless and cruel. They are not familiar with compassion and sympathy. Unfortunately, it's… But if these eyes of the baby Who has just lost her Mother touched your hearts even a little, then that says a lot. So not everything is lost yet. So we still retained our humanity. Please, take care of nature and animals???? . . . #saveanimals #saveplanetearthA post shared by Nikolay Mochkin (@ellejart) on
View this post on Instagram???????? #prayforaustralia #australia #wildfire #savetheplanet #guilhermebandeiraA post shared by Guilherme Bandeira (@guilherme_bandeira) on
View this post on InstagramIt is still happening, please #prayforaustralia ???? - At least 25,000 koalas are believed to have died in a horrific wildfire in South Australia that may have devastating consequences for the survival of the species. Source : The Telegraph.A post shared by Sally & Piper (@sallyandpiper) on
View this post on InstagramI keep thinking… what would Steve do if he was here? We miss you mate. We need people like you, more than ever ???????????? Please help me tag @bindisueirwin I'd love for them to see it. #digitalpainting #procreate #procreateartist #watercolor #copics #comission #copicmarkers #pastel #painting #portrait #panpastel #prismacolor #sketch #drawing #draw #art #instaart #painting #illustrationartists #instaartist # #steveirwin #australiazoo #bindiirwin #bushfires #prayforaustralia @drawing.expressionA post shared by Debb Oliver (@the_monkey_brush) on