Még a legkeményebb és legszigorúbb édesapák is képesek elviselni hajukban azt a bizonyos rózsaszín hajcsatot, ha a fodrász nem más, mint a saját kislányuk. Az alábbi illusztrációk az apák gyengéd szeretetét mutatja be leánygyermekük iránt. Az akvarell művész rajzait folyamatosan megosztja az Instagramon rajongóival és alkotásairól készült videófelvételeket pedig a YouTube csatornáján tekinthetjük meg.

Már régóta figyelemmel követjük Soosh munkáit. Most úgy döntöttünk, hogy összegyűjtjük ennek a tehetséges művésznek a legsikeresebb és legújabb illusztrációit.
Minden lány úgy gondolja, hogy az édesapja a legcsinosabb a világon
View this post on Instagram• make me look handsome, kiddo• . . she loves brushing my hair.. . . you often ask me where do i take/see situations which i am drawing.. well, most of them is my life, small details that happen every step i take - this morning, for example, kiddo wanted to brush my hair and it was quite a challenge as our hair brush is one of the meanest. ???????? . . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #jch #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Minden sokkal vonzóbbnak tűnik, ha együtt csináljuk
View this post on Instagram• quiet time • no matter what we do, we do it together. and nothing is taken for granted. #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #parents #kawai #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Apa a napnál is erősebb
View this post on Instagram• i'll be your shade • . . last weekend i was at the seaside and saw this devoted papa, who was sitting in the sun, in not quite comfortable position, while his kids were napping in his shade. He moved twice with the sun before his wife came, woke up the kids and they all went to swim and left the beach after. . . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #kindness #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
De néha nekik is szükségük van egy kis támogatásra
View this post on Instagram• when gray cloud meets sunshine • . . It was not an easy week for us. On Thursday evening i was standing and staring the black trees bent by the wind in the rainstorm, feeling (and looking) like a sad gray cloud, when kiddo came up and gave me a hug.. and this picture sprung to my mind, and a ray of sunshine touched my heart. . . . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #jch #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #instagood #love #childrensillustration #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Nincs olyan dolog, amit egy apa ne tenne meg a lányáért
View this post on Instagram• new dress • there is nothing i can't learn to do for her #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #dressmaker #kawai #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Az apák mindig annyira praktikusak és viccesek
View this post on Instagram• aaahh.. cooling! • . it's so hot today! ???? kiddo and I were hiding from it in a pool, fighting it with a fan, munching on ice-cream… F U N ???? #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Az apák gyakorlatiasan tanítanak meg a legfontosabb dolgokra
View this post on Instagram• spring clean • . . . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Játékosan megtanítanak elvégezni a mindennapi teendőket
View this post on Instagram• magic of everyday choirs • #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #digital #photoshop #digitalart #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Apa mindig vigyáz rád
View this post on Instagram• close up • . . . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #jch #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Rá mindig számíthatsz
View this post on Instagram• to fall asleep by the phone • . ???? i cannot miss a single lullaby when away from home.. . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Mindig készen áll egy ölelésre
View this post on Instagram• close up • . . . . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #jch #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #instagood #love #childrensillustration #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
Könnyedén átrepíti gyermekét Csodaországba
View this post on Instagram• under the same roof • #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitiveA post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on
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